Lawn Care Tips For Beginners

From Boarmumps Academy
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Fix Underlying Issues

With test results in hand, turn recommendations into projects. Correct problems now; don't risk repeats. Use soil amendments according to lab recommendations to improve your lawn's potential. Lime, for example, restores balance to soil pH so grasses can draw on available nutrients.

Hit tough spots first, and then repair bare lawn patches. The all-in-one ease of Pennington One Step Complete simplifies patching and repairs by premixing premium grass seed, professional-grade fertilizer and protective wood mulch in a single product. If your family includes pets, you're sure to have some pet damage. But don't worry; healthy lawns and happy dogs can coexist.
Know the Best Grasses for Your Region

Grasses suited to their growing region create exceptional lawns. Just like garden flowers or shrubs, turfgrasses vary in their climate preferences and tolerances for drought, shade and other conditions. One benefit of seed over sod is your expanded choice of grass varieties with specific qualities, from durability to texture beneath bare feet.

Cool-season grasses, such as Kentucky bluegrass, peak in growth during cool temperatures in fall and website spring. They flourish in northern zones. Warm-season grasses, such as Bermudagrass, excel in summer heat and warmer climates. Region-appropriate lawn grasses require less water and other resources, including