You re Welcome. Here Are 8 Noteworthy Tips About Glock Handguns

From Boarmumps Academy

Firearm history is a rich and colorful subject that is not without some controversy. The very first gun may have been made and employed in Europe, China or perhaps the Middle East. Once guns became a common military tool, the history becomes much clearer and well documented. Today you can find number of gun manufacturers around the globe who continue to produce and funny post produce guns not only for the armed service but in addition for the common person.

Gunpowder is a critical invention necessary to for the creation of guns and firearms. China was the first place where documented evidence of the usage of gunpowder exists. Within the 5th century AD, scientific works document the composition and characteristics of gunpowder. At point in history, gunpowder was mainly used for medicinal purposes and called "fire medicine." The oldest surviving record of a real gun in China is in Sichuan province. The bronze sculpture has been dated to the 12th century.

The Middle East has conflicting accounts within the 13th century. Al Hassan claims the Mamelukes used cannon against the Mongol invasion of 1260 at Ain Jalut. Other accounts of this time in history claim the Mongols introduced gunpowder and firearm technology to the Mamelukes.

In Europe, the first documented use of firearms is in Russia. A chronicle sites the Tokhtamysh's attack on Moscow in 1382. The Muscovite's are credited with using guns to defend their city from the Golden Horde.

It's interesting to be aware that the first mention of guns within the Middle East and Europe both involve the Mongols. Considering that the Mongols conquered China within the early 13th century, it's reasonable to conclude that the gun was first invented in China and adopted by the rest of the known world after witnessing and experiencing its potential within the hands of the Mongol Empire.

The history of gun and firearm development is dominated by the west from this point forward. In most technology, the initial developments are within miniaturization. Within the middle 14th century, hand held guns appeared. The user needed to light a wick and insert it into to the barrel or possibly a flashpan to light the powder.

Within the 15th century, the matchlock appeared in Europe. The chief advantage was the ability to keep both on the job the weapon when firing. The matchcord was attached to a clamp that might be lowered to the flashpan in the event the user triggered the mechanism. This could be a button, trigger or simply pulling on a cord. The matchlock was the primary weapon of European armies until the early 18th century.

As the wheellock and snaplock firing mechanisms made guns safer and many more effective weapons, it was not until the arrival of the flintlock that the matchlock got displaced. The flintlock was far more useful to military and civilian hunters since it would generate a spark only upon firing and only within the flashpan. The burning cord of a matchlock could give away the persons position by either the smell of the burning cord or its glow at night.

The flintlock remained the firearm of choice until the mid-19th century. Breach-loaders were available in the 15th century but did not became the firearm of choice until advances in metallurgy and engineering made these weapons viable for the hunter and military. The ability to mass produce identical weapons and cartridges made it possible to express ammunition and to easily repair the firearms within the field.

The cartridge used contains both the gunpowder and the projectile. The barrel could be hinged to the rest of the firearm allowing it to conveniently be accessed for inserting the cartridge. For some time, the weapon was still fired using a flashpan. When cartridges were designed that will also contain the firing mechanism, the focus of advancement changed again.